After telling myself for a while that I need to start a blog, I have decided to break down and finally do it!
The last year or so has consisted of some major life changes which have resulted in some serious soul searching. After graduating college, moving to Europe for a few months, dealing with a family member fighting a battle with cancer, going through a break-up, starting my first real job, and moving out on my own...(phew) it has become increasingly difficult to take a step back and just enjoy the simple things. Now that the above said things are done and over with...I'm trying to live a much more simple life and "not sweat the small stuff" or however that saying goes. I believe to find satisfaction in the most simple things, a person should be willing to try new things, look for the best in all situations, and try to see the good in everyone. I plan on making this blog about the simple things in life that make me the most happy! (and I'm sure I'll throw in a few really random/non-related things as well..just because that's how my life goes!) =) If all I do is put a new, simple thought in your head or put a little smile on your face, I feel like my work here will be done!
Yay roomie! Finally!